Take a moment to check out my YouTube Channel @TheRadiantLifeProject. This is a hub where I have posted videos for your reference, learning, and inspiration that you can access at any time. Remember to subscribe on the YouTube platform so that you can get each new video as it posts. Check out my blog for tidbits and inspirations too!

Kate King Kate King

5 Minute Guided Meditation To Calm Your Mind and Body

This brief guided mindfulness meditation quickly calms your mind and body. Meditation is one of the best ways to reduce anxiety fast. You can de stress and calm your mind and body in no time with meditation. Learn how to change your life by spending 5 minutes calming your mind and body to soothe your nervous system. You will feel healthier, more stable, and stronger after you meditate. It is easy to learn this simple practice, and it completely changes the way you feel. Guided meditation helps you quickly reduce feelings of anxiety, stress, and panic. Try it when you feel stressed, to help you fall asleep, or as a daily calming practice. Kate will gently guide you and make you feel comfortable as you learn this very important skill that will completely transform your life.

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Kate King Kate King

Guided Meditation For Your Inner Light

With this guided meditation discover the inner light held within yourself that has always been present inside of you. This is the light that remembers your life's purpose and carries with it the ability to shine brightly. Your powerful inner light can be used to energize you and help you remember yourself. This fantastic guided meditation can be used to raise your vibration when you feel anxious, depressed, or disconnected, and for increased spiritual connection. You can access your inner light when you seek connection with others or with yourself. Your inner light can remind you of why you are in this life and help you #findyouagain. Discover how to become more motivated and inspired, and how to use your inner light to uncover your greatest strengths. You can do amazing personal growth work with this fantastic guided meditation by Kate. You will learn how to calm anxiety. You will feel uplifted and spacious. You will feel calm and centered, and connected to your higher self and the universe at large.

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Kate King Kate King

Guided Meditation: Release What’s Not Yours And Reclaim What Is

This easy and gentle guided meditation will help you release the energies, projections, or expectations of others and reclaim your own desires, feelings, experiences, and hopes for yourself. It is common to both take on the energy of others and also leave your energy in people, places, and experiences outside of the Self. This meditation is a powerful way to help you cleanse the energy of others that does not serve you, and reclaim your innate wisdom and energy by bringing it home to your Self. Kate will guide you easily and gently through this meditation to help soothe, reclaim, and balance your #energetic space.

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Kate King Kate King

Guided Meditation: Find Balance In Mind Body Spirit

Use this guided meditation to find balance in your mind and body and spirit. You will learn to feel both grounded and expansive in your body, and discover your connection to your soul and dimensions beyond yourself. Explore the chakras and energy centers in your body, and discover how to feel both grounded and transcendent in your life. This guided meditation will help you get inspired and feel revitalized. You will feel good energy in your body and soul. You will learn how meditation can be used to balance chakras, and how to keep your energy strong throughout your body. This is a great meditation for spiritual connection. It also helps to get you centered for your day. Kate will lead you gently and smoothly deeper into your self as you explore the connection and balance of your mind, body and spirit.

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